
Undocumented in source.



MagickBooleanType AppendValueToLinkedList(LinkedListInfo* , const(void)* )
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void ClearLinkedList(LinkedListInfo* , void* function(void*) )
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MagickBooleanType CompareHashmapString(const(void)* , const(void)* )
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MagickBooleanType CompareHashmapStringInfo(const(void)* , const(void)* )
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HashmapInfo* DestroyHashmap(HashmapInfo* )
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LinkedListInfo* DestroyLinkedList(LinkedListInfo* , void* function(void*) )
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void* GetLastValueInLinkedList(LinkedListInfo* )
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void* GetNextKeyInHashmap(HashmapInfo* )
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void* GetNextValueInHashmap(HashmapInfo* )
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void* GetNextValueInLinkedList(LinkedListInfo* )
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size_t GetNumberOfElementsInLinkedList(const(LinkedListInfo)* )
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size_t GetNumberOfEntriesInHashmap(const(HashmapInfo)* )
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void* GetValueFromHashmap(HashmapInfo* , const(void)* )
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void* GetValueFromLinkedList(LinkedListInfo* , size_t )
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size_t HashPointerType(const(void)* )
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size_t HashStringInfoType(const(void)* )
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size_t HashStringType(const(void)* )
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
MagickBooleanType InsertValueInLinkedList(LinkedListInfo* , size_t , const(void)* )
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
MagickBooleanType InsertValueInSortedLinkedList(LinkedListInfo* , int function(const(void)*, const(void)*) , void** , const(void)* )
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
MagickBooleanType IsHashmapEmpty(const(HashmapInfo)* )
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
MagickBooleanType IsLinkedListEmpty(const(LinkedListInfo)* )
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
MagickBooleanType LinkedListToArray(LinkedListInfo* , void** )
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
HashmapInfo* NewHashmap(size_t , size_t function(const(void)*) , MagickBooleanType function(const(void)*, const(void)*) , void* function(void*) , void* function(void*) )
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
LinkedListInfo* NewLinkedList(size_t )
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
MagickBooleanType PutEntryInHashmap(HashmapInfo* , const(void)* , const(void)* )
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void* RemoveElementByValueFromLinkedList(LinkedListInfo* , const(void)* )
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void* RemoveElementFromLinkedList(LinkedListInfo* , size_t )
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void* RemoveEntryFromHashmap(HashmapInfo* , const(void)* )
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void* RemoveLastElementFromLinkedList(LinkedListInfo* )
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void ResetHashmapIterator(HashmapInfo* )
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void ResetLinkedListIterator(LinkedListInfo* )
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.


struct HashmapInfo
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
struct LinkedListInfo
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
