Specifies the background color that thumbnails are imaged upon.
Specifies the maximum number of columns in the montage.
Specifies the fill color to use for the label text.
Specifies the thumbnail label font.
Specifies the size of the generated thumbnail.
Specifies the thumbnail positioning within the specified geometry area. If the thumbnail is smaller in any dimension than the geometry, then it is placed according to this specification.
Specifies the format used for the image label. Special format characters may be embedded in the format string to include information about the image.
Specifies the thumbnail label font size.
Specifies the maximum number of rows in the montage.
Enable/disable drop-shadow on thumbnails.
Specifies the stroke color to use for the label text.
Specifies a texture image to use as montage background. The built-in textures "granite:" and "plasma:" are available. A texture is the same as a background image.
Montage is used to provide montage options and provides methods to set all options required to render simple (unframed) montages.