- this()
- this(MagickCoreImage* image, Options options)
- this(ImageRef image, Options options)
- this(string filename, string magick)
- this(string filename)
- this(Geometry size, Color color)
- this(void[] blob, string magick)
- this(void[] blob)
- this(void[] blob, Geometry size)
- this(void[] blob, Geometry size, size_t depth)
- this(void[] blob, Geometry size, size_t depth, string magick)
- this(void[] blob, Geometry size, string magick)
- this(size_t columns, size_t rows, string map, StorageType storage, void[] pixels)
dmagick Image Image
aliasesconstructorsfunctionsstatic functionsvariables
Construct an image from an in-memory blob. The Blob size, depth and magick format may also be specified.
Some image formats require size to be specified, the default depth Imagemagick uses is the Quantum size it's compiled with. If it doesn't match the depth of the image it may need to be specified.
Imagemagick can usualy detect the image format, when the format can't be detected a magick format must be specified. magick : image type eg. GIF,PNG